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- In the Mailbox: Biggest Hornbeam?; Advice Wanted
- A Message From the President (Mary Soons McCarty)
- Cornell Scientists Seek Tree Crop Project
- New I.R.S. Rules for Forest Owners
- Most Wood or Coal Stoves in Use are Unsafe
- Big Logging Show Helped Land Owners
- Why Did All Those Cones Develop This Year? by Jack Hamel
- Ask a Forester (David T. Mance, Jr., Brian Downing, Norm Richards): Surveyor Needed; Computer Paper?; Big Seed Crop
- New Publications
- Woodlot Shop (classifieds)
- In the Mailbox
- A Message From the President (Mary Soons McCarty)
- Alan Knight: March: Mud, Maple and Money
- Russell S. Walters: Haulin’ In The Sap
- Announcement: Spring Woodswalk in Westchester
- New in the Woodlot (commercial products)
- Robert Morrow: Sugar Bush Management
- Announcement: Five Woods-walks Set for Coming Year
- John Gifford: Computers and the Forest Owner
- Ask a Forester (Alan R. Knight, Curtis H. Bauer, Lewis Staats)
- Woodlot Shop (classifieds)
- In The Mailbox
- A Message From the President (Mary Soons McCarty)
- NYFOA Outstanding Service Award to David H. Hanaburgh
- New in the Woodlot (commercial products)
- Ed Klimuska: Trees in a Hurry- Morton Fry’s Hybrid Poplars
- A New York Perspective on Hybrid Poplars
- NYFOA Spring Meeting Highlighted Woodlot Opportunities
- Robert Morrow, Lawrence Hamilton, and Fred Winch, Jr.: A Forest Owner’s Guide to Tree Planting
- Potter Wins Heiberg Award
- NYFOA Treasurer’s Report
- Ask a Forester (A. W. Roberts; Ken Franke) White Pines Weevil; Mice damage
- Woodlot Shop (classifieds)
- In the Mailbox
- A Message From the President (Mary Soons McCarty)
- Richard Fox: Cayuga Chapter is born
- Richard Fox: Moment In History
- Members and officers of Cayuga Chapter
- Kathleen Kent: The Twelve Months of Christmas
- Announcement: NYFOA Fall Meeting with Catskill Group Offers Splendid Outing
- James D. Scott: Trade Up and Defer Taxes by Swapping Timber
- Jack Hamel Playing with Black Walnut
- Earl Pfarner: One Man’s Walnuts
- Announcement: August Woods Walk
- Woodlot Shop (classifieds)
- Ask a Forester (Douglas Monteith; Alan R. Knight; K. Goh; Richard Hale)
- In The Mailbox
- Editorial (Alan Knight): Passing of Dave Hanaburgh
- Report: Woods Walks- ‘Something New at Each One’
- Markets Report
- Alan Knight: Wood Chips Can Heat, Earn More for Farmers
- Administration’s Tax Axe Unpopular with Many Forestry Officials
- Ben Franklin’s Favorite
- Gary Sargent: Drafthorsemen Learn Logging
- Dick Fox on Cayuga Chapter… Chapter and Verse-
- New in the Woodlot (commercial products)
- Woodlot Shop (classifieds)