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- In The Mailbox
- Letter from the Editor (Alan Knight): Six month lapse in the n.y. Forest Owner
- Message from the President (Richard Garrett)
- Cayuga Chapter’s Activities- Field Day Success
- Southern Tier Chapter Launched
- Announcements: Come Visit My Woodlot!
- Ask A Forester (Wes Suhr): Road Building; Woodlot Basics; Torpedo the Dams!; Fertilizer Economics; Forestry Regulations
- Woodlot Shop (classifieds)
- In The Mailbox
- Woodlot Calendar
- From the Editor
- Announcement: New Zealand tour
- Chapter Reports: Southern Tier; Tug Hill
- Mike Demeree to be Honored as America’s Outstanding Tree Farmer for 1985
- Bob Sand; Allen Horn; Vince Chebetar; Sam Argetsinger: Advice on Timber Sales
- Announcements: Woodswalks
- Heiburg Award to Karyn Bartow Richards
- NYFOA Prize to A.W.Roberts, Jr.
- Log Bunching Systems
- New in the Woodlot (commercial products)
- Ask a Forester (Wes Suhr): That Intolerant Cuss!; Marshes to Ponds; Clean Stem Maple
- Woodlot Workshop (classifieds)
- In The Mailbox
- Woodlot Calendar
- Gordon Conklin: Young Tree Farmers
- Dr. William Harlow passed away recently
- Yong Kim: Gypsy Moth Time Bomb
- Alan Knight: The Wright Kind of Maple Business
- Firewood Sales Rules
- Ask A Forester (Wes Suhr): Sick Beech; That Natural Look
- Woodswalks
- New in the Woodlot (commercial products)
- Woodlot Shop (classifieds)
- Woodcuts (Alan Knight, editor): Chestnuts; Your neighbors
- An Open Letter (Richard Garrett, President)
- In The Mailbox
- Alan Knight: The Firewood Business- It Can be Done
- Alan Knight: A View from Candor
- Woodlot Equipment (Doug Monteith) (commercial products)
- Alan Knight: Maple Syrup- An old enterprise with a new life
- Catskill Forestry Votes Yes
- CFA at a Glance
- Phillip Sanders: Tree Farmer of the Year (Louis DuMond)
- ESFPA- Industry Group Seeks Support
- Alan R. Knight: True Confessions of a Part-Time Christmas Tree Farmer
- Chapter Reports
- Ask a Forester (Wes Suhr): Cut at Right price; Borer Beast; Go for Forestry!
- When Alex Shigo Speaks…
- Christmas-tree Market and 1985 Christmas Tree Prices;
- Woodlot Shop (classifieds)
- Woodcuts (Fred Eckert, US House of Representatives): Acid Rain
- An Open Letter (Richard E. Garrett, President)
- In the Mailbox
- Woodlot Calendar
- Betsy Bartz: Christmas Trees Without Pain? Let Dale Do It
- David Hollis: Wood to Burn
- Safety in the Woodlot (Bob Spath): Keep Your Head!
- Alan Knight: Hunting & Timber
- Woodswalks
- Report (Earl Pfarner): Successful Fall Meeting
- Book Review: The Woodland Steward – A Practical Guide to the Management of Small Private Forests
- Chapter Reports
- Cornell’s Arnot- Maple with a Mission
- Diane Perry: Ginseng- Woodlot Cash Crop
- Ask a Forester (Wes Suhr): Fertilizer Economics; Pulpwood vs. Firewood Stumpage; Basal Area
- Audio-Visual Show on Tree Bark
- Woodlot Shop (classifieds)