Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 23, Number 3, May/June 1985

  • In The Mailbox
  • A Message From the President (Mary Soons McCarty)
  • NYFOA Outstanding Service Award to David H. Hanaburgh
  • New in the Woodlot (commercial products)
  • Ed Klimuska: Trees in a Hurry- Morton Fry's Hybrid Poplars
  • A New York Perspective on Hybrid Poplars
  • NYFOA Spring Meeting Highlighted Woodlot Opportunities
  • Robert Morrow, Lawrence Hamilton, and Fred Winch, Jr.: A Forest Owner's Guide to Tree Planting
  • Potter Wins Heiberg Award
  • NYFOA Treasurer's Report
  • Ask a Forester (A. W. Roberts; Ken Franke) White Pines Weevil; Mice damage
  • Woodlot Shop (classifieds)

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