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- The President’s Message (Paul Steinfeld)
- Norman L. VanValkenburgh: The Saratoga Nursery
- Al Roberts: Property #2 – Sandlot
- N. A. Richards: Selling Some Oak Sawtimber
- David E. Belford and Melvin E. Jenkins: How to Blaze Boundaries
- Tree Farm Safety: Chain Saws
- Howard & Richard Ward: Observations on Forestry in Japan
- Forest Bookshelf
- On the Calendar
- Announcement: NYFOA to Visit U.K. Forest Owners
- Letter to the Editor: Response to survey questionnaire
- Energy Tree for the Eighties- Hybrid Poplars
- Doug Monteith: How Much Does a Tree Weigh?
- The President’s Message (Paul Steinfeld)
- Letter to the Editor
- N. A. Richards: Urban Forestry- Trees Around Our Homes
- Why Men Survive
- Announcement: NYFOA TV Program
- Promising New Treatment for Dutch Elm Disease
- Douglas C. Allen and Lewis J. Staats: The Maple Borer
- Deducting Lost Timber From Your Income Tax
- Natural Target Pruning
- Forest Bookshelf
- Forest Practice Board proposes Empire Forest Association
- Solicitation for Advertisers
- Many Forest Landowners Pay Too Much Income Tax; Do you?
- On the Calendar
- Ask a Forester (Al Roberts): Protesting the cutback of the DEC Forest Ranger force
- The President’s Message (Paul Steinfeld): Exploring NYFOA’s absorbtion into DEC’s nascent Empire Forest Association
- Al Roberts: More on Timber Taxes
- Announcement: NY Forest Owners to Tour Britain
- NYFOA Board Adopts New Mission and Objectives
- Photos Preserve Your Trees, Plants
- Cable Logging System to be Tested in New York
- Stumpage Price Report: January 1984
- Bill Lynch: Our Forest
- Lillian Millman: Record Keeping
- Cornell Offering Home Study Course for Woodland Owners
- Forest Bookshelf
- Peter Martin: Heritage Land
- On the Calendar
- President’s Message (Mary McCarty)
- On the Calendar
- New Organization Formed (Northern Forest Institute)
- Al Roberts: Anatomy of a Timber Sale
- Minutes of the 22 Annual Meeting NYFOA
- 1984 Heiberg Memorial Award – John W. Kelly
- 1984 NYFOA Outstanding Service Award- Dorothy Wertheimer
- An Invitation for NY Forest Owners to tour Scotland
- Announcemets: Three Summer Woods Walks
- Forest Preserve Centennial Celebration
- Cutting Trees for Firewood Threatens Furniture Industry, Wood Lots’ Future (newspaper reprint)
- Forest Bookshelf
- Announcement: NYFOA Fall Meeting – Sagamore Lodge
- Ask a Forester (Al Roberts): Easement problem
- Letter: Argument against merging with proposed DEC organization
- President’s Message (Mary McCarty): Remembrances
- On the Calendar
- Ralph Nyland: Management Methods
- R. M. Beal: Sam Bonasa Umbrellas
- NYFOA Financial Statement as of June, 1984
- Stuart McCarty: Liability Insurance Coverage- Do We Need More?
- The American Tree Farm System
- Forest Bookshelf
- Announcement: Cornell’s Arnot Forest Site of Spectacular Forestry Equipment Show
- Urban Forestry (James Ehmann): The New Scourage of Elms
- Gavin McKenzie, New Zealand Forest Service: Trees- A comment on Joint Venture
- Letters to the Editor
- Ask a Forester (Al Roberts): Comment on “weed” trees
- The Directory Issue
- President’s Message (Mary McCarty): Trees, Glorious Trees
- David Hanaburg: NYFOA Historical Notes
- The Heiberg Award
- NYFOA Outstanding Service Award
- John V. Berglund, Dean SUNY-ESF School of Forestry: Does Forestry Have a Future in New York?
- Bylaws of New York Forest Association, Inc.
- Ken & Ruth Eberley: How Did I Get Involved in Forestry?
- Woodland Owners’ Forest Management Checklist of Resources
- Report: Sagamore Meeting
- David W. Taber: Sleeping Giant Awakes
- Ask A Forester (Al Roberts): What are members interested in?; Indians cannot legally cut black ash on any land but their own.
- Report: NYFOA Woods Walks in 1984
- Francis A. Demeree: “480-A”- New York State Forest Tax Law Update
- Comparison Document (present vs. proposed) Section 480a of the Real Property Tax Law
- Stumpage Price Report: July, 1984
- Robert Edmonds: Estimating Timber in Your Woodlot
- Cooperative Extension Offices
- Member Directory (~675 listed). Note- We have not included in this archival edition the 10 pages of members’ names and addresses.
- Directory- County Listing
- NYFOA Board of Directors
- NYFOA Committees
- Forest Bookshelf