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- Letters: Protection Against Gypsy Moth
- The President’s Message (Paul Steinfeld)
- Leon Brown: Tresspassers: The Privacy Thieves
- The Axe Men
- Bob Sand- New Chairman, S.A.F.
- In Memoriam: Dave Cook, First Heiberg Award Winner 1967
- Doug Monteith: T. S. I.
- Planting the Planet
- Career Highlights- David H. Hanaburgh
- On the Calendar
- Forest Bookshelf
- A Sample Timber Sale Contract for Private Forest Landowners
- Go Easy on the Ashes
- The President’s Message (Paul Steinfeld)
- Letters
- Heiberg Award Winner- David W. Taber
- Outstanding Service Award: Evelyn Campbell Stock
- Report: NYFOA Annual Meeting
- Announcement: A Forest Owners’ Fall Foliage Tour
- A. N. Richards: Urban Forestry- Greenspace and Urban Trees
- Ask A Forester (Al Roberts): Real Property Taxes and How They Got That Way
- David Tricoli Develops Cloning at E.S.F.
- 1982 Spruce Budworm Impact Analyzed
- Forest Bookshelf
- On The Calendar
- Gypsy Moth Problem Will be Back in 1983
- Professor Morrow to Retire
- New Fuel Wood Film
- Cable Yarding Project
- Letter to the Editor: CARE’s forest restoration project(s)
- Study Shows Forest Land Owners are Paying Excessive Income Taxes
- John Thorington: T.S.I.- An Economic Perspective
- Sawtimber Prices in 1982
- Log Rules
- The President’s Message (Paul Steinfeld)
- Minutes of the 140th Board Meeting
- A Slant on Forestry in Niger
- Woodsmen’s Field Days – Tentative Schedule
- DEC Commissioner, principal speaker at Empire State Forest Products Association Spring Meeting
- Powder Post Beetles
- NYFOA’s “People to People” tour of New England deadline extension
- Dr. Norman Richards: Urban Forestry: Street Tree Management
- Tests of Harvesting Equipment at Heiberg Memorial Forest
- Former NYFOA Director assumes position of chief technical advisor to the Burmese Forest Research Institute
- Earth Almanac – The First Word
- Property Boundary Line Trees
- Tax and Tree Farmer – It Pays to Keep Records
- Multiple Use Tips – Tree Farm Hunting and Fishing Agreements
- Veneer Log Market
- Result of Woodsmen’s Field Days Survey
- Tax and Tree Farmer – Protecting an Estate
- Income Tax and Timber Owner
- Forest Bookshelf
- Ask a Forester (Al Roberts): More on Hardwood Planting
- The President’s Message (Paul Steinfeld)
- Minutes of the 141st Board Meeting
- Registration- NYFOA Fall Meeting
- HELP! (get more NYFOA members)
- N. A. Richards: Firewood Thinning
- Safe Chain Saws Prevent Injuries
- No Land Tax and South African Foresters
- Letters to the Editor: Could This Happen in Your Town? (Mike Demeree)
- Timber Firms Moving to South as Supplies in Northwest Diminish
- The Timber Industry in New York Continues to Grow
- Trees May Alert Other Trees to Danger, Scientist Believe
- A Computer May Hold the Answer for Foresters who Want to Accurately Estimate Tree Crop Yield
- A. W. Roberts, Jr.: Land Taxes – Here’s What We Pay
- Ask a Forester (Al Roberts): Another View on Tree Planting
- Better Forest Management Through the New York Forst Owners Association
- President’s Message (Paul Steinfeld)
- Report: Cummings Nature Center Fall Meeting Lunch
- NYFOA Financial Report as of September 1983
- Al Roberts: X-Mas Trees in the Suburbs of N.Y.C.
- Scleroderris Canker Update
- Are You Sure That’s A Cord?
- Stumpage Price Report- July 1983
- Arthur Gall: Firewood and Insects
- Forest Bookshelf
- Decay and Diagnosis
- Effects of Logging in Northern Hardwood Forests
- John Hamel: Maturity
- Report: NYFOA Board Meeting