Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 21, Number 4, July/August 1983

  • The President's Message (Paul Steinfeld)
  • Minutes of the 140th Board Meeting
  • A Slant on Forestry in Niger
  • Woodsmen's Field Days - Tentative Schedule
  • DEC Commissioner, principal speaker at Empire State Forest Products Association Spring Meeting
  • Powder Post Beetles
  • NYFOA's "People to People" tour of New England deadline extension
  • Dr. Norman Richards: Urban Forestry: Street Tree Management
  • Tests of Harvesting Equipment at Heiberg Memorial Forest
  • Former NYFOA Director assumes position of chief technical advisor to the Burmese Forest Research Institute
  • Earth Almanac - The First Word
  • Property Boundary Line Trees
  • Tax and Tree Farmer - It Pays to Keep Records
  • Multiple Use Tips - Tree Farm Hunting and Fishing Agreements
  • Veneer Log Market
  • Result of Woodsmen's Field Days Survey
  • Tax and Tree Farmer - Protecting an Estate
  • Income Tax and Timber Owner
  • Forest Bookshelf
  • Ask a Forester (Al Roberts): More on Hardwood Planting

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