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- From the President (Charles Stackhouse): Landowners and financial motivation; Upcoming: Farm Show and Annual Meeting
- Restore New York Woodlands Legislative Initiative (Jerry Michael and Stacey Kazacos)
- Silent Auction for Youth Forestry is Building Steam! (Dean Faklis)
- Ask a Professional (Peter Smallidge): Managing Small Parcels
- Wild Things in Your Woodlands (Karen Ceballos): Gray Fox
- Restore NY Woodlands in Action: How EQIP Funding Can Help Us Win the Battle (Jeannine and Stacey Kazacos)
- 55th Annual Spring Program
- Woodland Health (Mark Whitmore): An Update on Emerald Ash Borer in New York State
- Northeast Timber Growing Contest 2016 Contest Results (Dean Faklis and Peter Smallidge)
- Member Profile (Briana Binkerd-Dale): Jena Buckwell & Colin Butgereit
- From the President (Charles Stackhouse): NYFOA’s new web site; Restore New York State’s legislative agenda; upcoming annual meeting
- Developing the Art of Stewardship (Dean Faklis)
- Ask a Professional (Peter Smallidge): How to Use Soils Information for Woodlot Management
- Wild Things in Your Woodlands (Kristi Sullivan): American Woodcock
- Coppicing Black Locust: Two Case Studies (Jeff Joseph)
- NYFOA Annual Meeting Announcement
- Woodland Health (Paul Hetzler, coordinated by Mark Whitmore): Thirsty Maples
- My Experience with EQIP (Steve Kinne)
- Hardwood Log Market Conditions in theNortheast (Jason R. Post)
- Member Profile (Briana Binkerd-Dale): Hobbs Family
- From the President (Charles Stackhouse): NYS’s “Right to Practice Forestry” law.
- NYFOA Auction Redux – A Resounding Success! (Dean Faklis)
- CCE Chenago Begins Work onValue Added Forest Products Initiative (Rich Taber)
- Ask a Professional (Peter Smallidge): Buckthorn – Control of an Invasive Shrub
- Wild Things in Your Woodlands (Kristi Sullivan): Ring-Necked Snake
- Agroforestry Resource Center and Siuslaw Model Forest Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary (Marilyn Wyman)
- NYFOA Awards: Jerry Michael Honored with Heiber Award; Phil Walton receives Outstanding Service Award
- NYFOA Chapter Awards
- Woodland Health (Nicholas J. Brazee, coordinated by Mark Whitmore): Foliar Anthracnose Diseases of Deciduous Hardwoods
- New NYFOA Web Site and Logo (Jim Minor)
- Member Profile (Briana Binkerd-Dale): Dale and Eileen Schaefer
- From the President (Charles Stackhouse): As forest landowners our actions and our inactions can have a major impact on wildlife.
- Obituary – Al Brown (1921 – 2017)
- Ask a Professional (Peter Smallidge): Harvesting Aesthetics and Forest Sustainability
- Wild Things in Your Woodlands (Kristi Sullivan): Northern Water Snake
- Dealing with Tick-borne Diseases (Paul D. Curtis)
- Two Weeks Touring the Forests of Germany. France and Switzerland (Art Wagner)
- Woodland Health (Nicholas P. Piedmonte as coordinated by Mark Whitmore): Blacklegged Ticks: A Present and Future Threat
- Vernal Pools (Ed Piestrak)
- Member Profile (Briana Binkerd-Dale): Charles and Karen Starks
- From the President (Charles Stackhouse): Knowing your trees. Appeal for volunteer help.
- Wanted: Landowners for Member Profiles!
- Ask a Professional (Brett Chedzoy): Making Idle Land Productive
- Wild Things in Your Woodlands (Karen Ceballos): Porcupine
- Woodlot Management for Regeneration, Think Outside the Forest (Frank Winkler)
- The Impact of EAB: Member Stories, Part I (Jeff Joseph)
- Woodland Health (Dylan Parry as coordinated by Mark Whitmore): Back So Soon? (tent caterpillars)
- Member Profile (Briana Binkerd-Dale): Abigail (Abby) Addington-May
- From the President (Charles Stackhouse): DEC publication on managing deer; Forest Owner magazine seeks topics for articles; Kudos for our new web site
- Silent Auction a Big Success. Now What? (Dave Williams)
- Ask a Professional (Peter Smallidge): Strategies to Improve Your Woodland
- Wild Things in Your Woodlands (Cory Snyder): Cedar Waxwing
- An Upstate New Yorker’s Long-term Investment in Trees
- The Green Lie (Or How We Spent Our Summer Vacation) – Greg and Kathy Lessord
- Homestead Woodlot (Jeff Joseph): The Wood in Your Woods
- Woodland Health (Charlotte Malmborg and Mark Whitmore, coordinated by Mark Whitmore): The New York State Hemlock Initiative Is Looking For Volunteers!
- Member Profile (Briana Binkerd-Dale): Jonathan Farber