Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 55, Number 4, July/August 2017

  • From the President (Charles Stackhouse): As forest landowners our actions and our inactions can have a major impact on wildlife.
  • Obituary - Al Brown (1921 - 2017)
  • Ask a Professional (Peter Smallidge): Harvesting Aesthetics and Forest Sustainability
  • Wild Things in Your Woodlands (Kristi Sullivan): Northern Water Snake
  • Dealing with Tick-borne Diseases (Paul D. Curtis)
  • Two Weeks Touring the Forests of Germany. France and Switzerland (Art Wagner)
  • Woodland Health (Nicholas P. Piedmonte as coordinated by Mark Whitmore): Blacklegged Ticks: A Present and Future Threat
  • Vernal Pools (Ed Piestrak)
  • Member Profile (Briana Binkerd-Dale): Charles and Karen Starks

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