Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 55, Number 6, November/December 2017

  • From the President (Charles Stackhouse): DEC publication on managing deer; Forest Owner magazine seeks topics for articles; Kudos for our new web site
  • Silent Auction a Big Success. Now What? (Dave Williams)
  • Ask a Professional (Peter Smallidge): Strategies to Improve Your Woodland
  • Wild Things in Your Woodlands (Cory Snyder): Cedar Waxwing
  • An Upstate New Yorker's Long-term Investment in Trees
  • The Green Lie (Or How We Spent Our Summer Vacation) - Greg and Kathy Lessord
  • Homestead Woodlot (Jeff Joseph): The Wood in Your Woods
  • Woodland Health (Charlotte Malmborg and Mark Whitmore, coordinated by Mark Whitmore): The New York State Hemlock Initiative Is Looking For Volunteers!
  • Member Profile (Briana Binkerd-Dale): Jonathan Farber

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