Archive 2010

  • Volume 48, Number 1, January/February 2010

    • Letters to the Editor: SAF is reluctant to stand up to high grading
    • From Feast to Famine and Beyond: A Status Report on the Market for Forest Carbon Offset Credits in the United States
    • Ask a Professional: What educational resources are available to help woodland owners learn more about their property?
    • NY Farm Show 2010
    • NYS Tree Farm News: Achieving your woodlot objectives through Tree Farm membership
    • Kid’s Corner: Forests and Fire: Wildfires and Prescribed Fires
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlot: Managing for Birds on Your Land
    • NYFOA General Director Candidates
    • NYFOA 48th Annual Meeting
    • NYFOA Awards Description
    • Emerald Ash Borer is Now in New York: An Update
    • Timber Theft and How to Prevent It
    • Member Profile: Keith Maynard
  • Volume 48, Number 2, March/April 2010

    • Fun with a Chainsaw Mill
    • Forest Science Becomes Forest Practice A Review of Recent ForestConnect Fact Sheets
    • NYS Tree Farm News: It’s the end of the winter in your woodlot
    • Kid’s Corner: Whistles from Nature
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlot: Wood Turtle
    • NYFOA Safety Tips: Herbicides and Insecticides In The Woodlot
    • Maple Sap: The Delicious, Sustainablke, Free Natural Energy Drink
    • Woodland Health: Big Changes from Little Bugs
    • Planting and Protecting Hardwood Seedlings- A Comparison of Tree Shelters Versus Exclosure Fencing
    • Timber Theft and How to Prevent It
    • Member Profile: Ed and Wanda Piestrak
  • Volume 48, Number 3, May/June 2010

    • Why Can’t I move Firewood?
    • Forest Science Becomes Forest Practice: Integrated Vegetation Management Strategies – Strategies to Control Undesirable Plants in you Woods
    • NYS Tree Farm News: Earth Day!
    • Kid’s Corner: What’s Bugging You?
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlands: Black-Billed Cuckoo
    • NYFOA Safety Tip: Cut Slope Hazards
    • NYFOA Awards Heiberg Award to Carl Wiedemann; Outstanding Service Award to Dick Patton
    • NYFOA’s Chapter Service Awards
    • Woodland Health: What’s Sirex woodwasp doing in New York?
    • NYFOA Scholarship Winner
    • Timber Theft and How to Prevent It
    • 2009 NYFOA Donors
    • Member Profile: Larry Becker
  • Volume 48, Number 4, July/August 2010

    • Looking for a Few Good Forest Owners Volunteers in 2010
    • Ask a Professional: Marking Property Lines
    • NYS Tree Farm News: The Forester is not the Middleman!
    • Kid’s Corner: Life in a Tree Part 1 – The Leaves
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlands: American Toad
    • NYFOA Safety Tip: Falling Limb from Dead Tree Kills Landowner
    • NYFOA and the State Wildlife Grant: What are “SWG” and the State Wildlife Action Plan?
    • Woodland Health: Long Island Forests: A Perspective from the Entomology Diagnostics Lab
    • Timber Theft and How to Prevent It
    • Member Profile: Diane Church
  • Volume 48, Number 5, September/October 2010

    • Obituary: Bill M. Minerd
    • A Dismal Day in the Woods: More on High Grading
    • Ask a Professional: Getting started in cutting firewood
    • NYS Tree Farm News: Happy Hunting Grounds!
    • Kid’s Corner: Life in a Tree, Part II – The Trunk
    • Improve Your Woodlot for Wildlife
    • <bold>NYFOA Safety Tip:</bold> Limbing a Fallen Tree
    • Woodland Health: Oak Wilt- A New Threat to Forest and Landscape Trees in New York State
    • Timber Theft and How to Prevent It
    • NYFOA Member Publications: Richard Levine’s That Country Soul
    • Member Profile: Jeff Rupp
  • Volume 48, Number 6, November/December 2010

    • Obituary: Robert M. Sand
    • Ask a Professional: What do I need to know about using a Forester?
    • NYS Tree Farm News: Dear Modern Tree Farmer…
    • Kid’s Corner: Make Your Own Paper
    • Improve Your Woodlot for Wildlife: Mink
    • Woodland Health: Got the Tent Caterpillar Blues?
    • <bold>Stories from the Woods:</bold> Yours for the asking! – Signing up for an MFO visit
    • <bold>Timber Topics:</bold> Getting to Know Your Logger
    • State Expands Quarantine for Emerald Ash Borer
    • Member Profile: Sydney Antonio
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