Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 24, Number 6, November/December 1986

  • An Open Letter (Richard E. Garrett, President)
  • In the Mailbox
  • Woodlot Calendar
  • Betsy Bartz: Christmas Trees Without Pain? Let Dale Do It
  • David Hollis: Wood to Burn
  • Safety in the Woodlot (Bob Spath): Keep Your Head!
  • Alan Knight: Hunting & Timber
  • Woodswalks
  • Report (Earl Pfarner): Successful Fall Meeting
  • Book Review: The Woodland Steward - A Practical Guide to the Management of Small Private Forests
  • Chapter Reports
  • Cornell's Arnot- Maple with a Mission
  • Diane Perry: Ginseng- Woodlot Cash Crop
  • Ask a Forester (Wes Suhr): Fertilizer Economics; Pulpwood vs. Firewood Stumpage; Basal Area
  • Audio-Visual Show on Tree Bark
  • Woodlot Shop (classifieds)

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