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In the Mailbox Messge from the President (Lloyd G. Strombeck): Plans for the N”YFOA European Trip Ask a Forester (Dave Taber): Forest Acreage; Chestnut Blight; Odd Coloring in Knotty Pine Burning Wood for Fuel by Dave Taber Firewood by Fred E. Winch, Jr. Chain Saw Safety Rules Hot Water by Wood Heat by Roger Bienvenue Wood Energy Bibliography Build Yourself A SOLAR WOOD DRYER (Northern Logger) Spring Meeting April 9th: Wildlife Habitat Improvement Photo Contest for Unusual Trees Black Walnut Trees for Sale Landowner Liability for Recreationists by Michael Duttweiler ASSOCIATION NOTICES and MEETING MINUTES VERSES (ON FUELWOOD) BY CELIZ CONGREVE Outstanding Tree Farmer A Beginner’s Guide to Cross Country Skiing by Alan Knight Come visit the forests of Switzerland, Austria, and Germany Editorial (Alan R. Knight): Should your state legislators receive The Forest Owner? Forest Owner General Store (classifieds) In the Mailbox Dan Hudon and his Lumbermaker Photo Contest for Unusual Trees Alex Dickson & John W. Kelly: Backyard Maple Syrup King George Did Pine for Pine NYFOA Annual Spring Meeting: Improving Wildlife Habitat Summary of Board of Directors Meeting Association Board of Trustees Acts on Several Issues Making a Profit from Tree Farms Evelyn Stock: Bird Feeding Rod Cochran: Svend O. Heiberg, Forester A. DeForest Marsters: WILDLIFE depends on Forest Owners, Foresters, and Wildlife Managers Forest Owner General Store (classifieds) Peter Trickey: A view of Tug Hill In the Mailbox Ask a Forester (David H. Hanaburgh; A. W. Roberts Jr.): Tree booklets on Forestry?; Harvesting and Preservation; Recently Moved to a Farm; You Should Sell Your Timber Improve Your Woodlot by Cutting Firewood by Ken Lancaster and Clyde Hunt New Pine Disease in New York State Fungus Could Spread Westward from NYS by James Beil Scleroderris Canker and Red Pine Shoot Blight Rebirth of an Industry… Return of the Log Cabin by A. DeForest Marsters The Value of Your Woodlot by Hugh Canham Who Belongs to the NYFOA: A Membership Profile 1977 by James P. Lassoie Forest Owner General Store (classifieds) Editorial (Alan R. Knight): European Trip (in progress); Special issues for NYS regions?; NYS forest taxes In the Mailbox Forest General Store (classifieds) Lee Bummer: Myself a Tree (poem) Ask a Forester (James P. Lassoie; A. W. Roberts, Jr.) Robert W. Campbell: The Gypsy Moth and its Natural Enemies Gypsy Moth Poses Threat to Many Areas in Southeastern and Northeastern New York How to Treat Wounds – Prevent Decay Dave Taber: Outstanding Tree Farmer Award to Franklin County Resident Neil H. Ringler: Four Steps to Managing Your Stream or Pond Maurice Postley Receives 1977 S. O. Heiberg Memorial Award H. Peter Wood & Richard W. Kulis: “”Thence forty rods east to a chestnut tree.” Editorial Message from the President WOODSWALK Slated for Central New York Music of the Forests: A Variable Feast 1977 – 1978 NYFOA Committees A Message from the Editor Message from the President (C. Eugene Farnsworth) Nominations for Heiberg Award J. P. Lassoie: NYFOA Sponsore Conference on Woodburning Howard O. Ward: Forestry Beginnings in the Southern Tier Of New York State Robert Morrow and Thomas Gage: Fuelwood and Woodland Management Woody Frichette: State Commission on Tug Hill is no Laughing Matter Interview with a Sugar Maple Forest Management Committee Named
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