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- William W. Ballagh: Forest Owners Tour Arnot Forest
- Editorial (Alan R. Knight): Inaugural editorial
- Letters to the Editor
- Forest Owners School a Great Success… (Robert M. Sand)
- Fred Winch, Jr. Retires
- A Glance Over My Shoulder (Fred Winch, Jr.): The growing value of land and trees.
- Let’s convert adversity to forestry opportunity
- How to Change Your Association By Laws
- Assorted Publications You Should Know About
- Photo Contest for Unusual Trees by Evelyn Stock
- In the Mailbox
- Editorial (Alan R. Knight): Grateful for enthusiastic authors& Should forest owners get tax breaks?
- What’s With the Forest Tax Law?
- Forest Owner Association Airs Commercials
- Woods Walks- a favorite association activity
- the American Tree Farm System
- Watch Out for Beech Bark Disease By A.W. Roberts Jr.
- market trends in hardwoods
- Healing Trees
- Annual Meeting Program: There’s more than trees in your forest
- A Logger Tells a Tale by Ronald Baldwin
- Expeetations and Realities of the Urban Forest Owner by C. Eugene Farnsworth
- Candidates for Board of Directors NY Forest Owners Association
- Tax Time (Can spring be far behind?)
- Forty Years of Woodlot Management Pay Off by Alex Dickson
- In the Mailbox
- Editorial (Alan R. Knight): Preparation for European Tour
- THE FOREST OWNERS FORUM: The New York Forest Tax Law
- Woodswalks
- Photo Contest Entry
- European Forestry Adventure!
- A Logger Tells a Tale by Ronald Baldwin
- Editorial
- Photo Contest for Unusual Trees: White Pine Branches into new Trees
- G. A. Van Horn: Pot increases Tree Production
- Paul M. Kelsey: Conservation Comments
- Woodland $$ and Sense
- Textile Manufacturer Switching from Oil to Wood Chips for Power
- Biltmore Estate… Cradle of American Forestry
- Dave Taber: New Conservation Commissioner Installs State Forest Practice Board Officers
- Events: Woodswalk to Shirley Forests
- Bill Turner: Owners Unite for Better Forests
- Particleboard made from Forest Residues
- Announcements
- In the Mailbox: The Fred Nager (pp. 6-7) article is a birthday gag
- Editorial
- Ask a Forester (Dave Taber): Is there a market for Scotch pine?
- Robert R. Monroe: Is management-by-compartments for YOU?
- Fall Woodswalk
- The Ithaca Journal: Fred Najer is Feted at 80! (see “In the Mailbox”, above)
- E. N. Moot: Non-Forest Owners… a view from Pinewald
- Hardy Shirley shows “It can be done” (Shirley woodswalk)
- Come visit the forests of Switzerland, Austria, and Germany
- Chestnut Tree Blight Cure
- Ronald Baldwin: A Logger Tells a Tale
- NY Forest Tax Update
- In the Mailbox
- Message from the President (Lloyd G. Strombeck)Membership is at 570 and growing thank to baord and committees.
- Christmas Tree Growing … are you and your land suited? by Alan Knight
- Photo Contest for Unusual Trees
- You Should Sell Your Timber by A. W. Roberts
- Deer Forest by A. DeForest Marsters
- Ah… the beauty of a pond. by Howard Ward
- We always called ’em SWAMPS, but now they’re “wetlands” and protected!
- NYFOA at Woodsmen’s Field Days