Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Capital District News

NYFOA -CDC Hosts “Tick” workshop at Lawson Lake


NYFOA Capital District Chapter partnered with Albany County Department of Recreation at Lawson Lake Park last weekend (Saturday, November 13, 2021) to hold its program. The programed was titled “Don’t Get Ticked in the Forest”, with special speaker Joellen Lampman, New York State Integrated Pest Management Program. Joellen Lampman is Community IPM Extension Support Specialist with the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program at Cornell University, and is a lifelong environmental educator. In some circles she is also known as the tick lady. The presentation was held in Waldman Lodge at Lawson Lake with outdoor activities on the grounds. With your newfound knowledge, we expect you will dodge any tick bites! The event at Lawson Lake was successful and we look forward to more future events.

See slide show by clicking this link

CDC Chapter Picnic August 29th Glen Doone Site Thatcher Park



Vice chair Gerry McDonald carving up chicken

Chairman Jeff Kehoe serving up chicken



Bob Sheedy and other NYFOA members digging in to enjoy the chicken dinnerExecutive Director Craig Vollmer addresses the attendees

Rheinstrom Hill Audubon Center and Sanctuary Woods Walk

Saturday August 21, 2021

Scenes from the woodswalk:




Our Guides for the Day: Clockwise from the left in white shirt is Dave Decker, Rheinstrom Land Stewart, Jeff Kehoe, NYFOA CDC Chairman, Dave Wheeler, ( black shirt ) , Warden / Sanctuary Manager, Suzanne Treyger, Audubon's Harvest for Habitat program, and on the right cream color shirt is Tracey Testo from CCE Columbia and Greene Counties and NYFOA Board member.

Brian Draiss Woodswalk

The woodswalk at Brian Draiss' property, July 10th, was well attended with 24 people showing up. The walk was lead by independent forester Brian Bower and state extension forester Peter Smallidge. A tree full of information was shared throughout the group. A smorgasbord of hero's wraps and a grilled chicken salad was provided by property owner Brian Draiss.

Some Highlights:


Directing attendees to the woods walk site.


Our hosts: Brian Draiss, property owner, His mom Joan and dad Carl.


Peter Smallidge (front right, brown pants) Leading the Walk


The Smorgasbord after the Walk

To join in these adventures see above or track our Chapter Events page. Please sign up for our next walk on August 21st,.. Rhienstrom Hill Audubon Sanctuary.

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