Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

CDC- Rheinstrom Hill Audubon Sanctuary and Center Woods Walk

Saturday August 21 10:00 – 12:00

The Capital District Chapter of the New York Forest Owners Association invites you to a walk at the Rheinstrom Hill Audubon Sanctuary and Center, a 1039-acre forest in southeastern Columbia County, that provides habitat for many at-risk climate-threatened bird species, such as Wood Thrush, Veery, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Blue-headed Vireo, and warblers such as Ovenbird, Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Blue, Black and White, and Blackburnian. The address is 225 Cambridge Rd, Hillsdale, NY 12529

Suzanne Treyger, Forest Program Manager, and Dave Decker, Land Steward, from Audubon NY, will discuss land use and history at Rheinstrom Hill and how Audubon is managing the forest to improve diversity, habitat, health, and resiliency. Audubon staff will also discuss Harvests for Habitat,a project which educates foresters, loggers and landowners on forestry techniques that benefit woodland bird species and incentivises bird-friendly forest management through financial assistance.

Jeff Kehoe, forester and NYFOA member, will discuss the negative impacts deer can have on forest regeneration and the natural diversity of forest tree, shrub and wildflower species, which in turn affect native bird and mammal populations.

Rheinstrom Hill has three demonstration areas with small clearcuts for habitat improvement. These cuts were done 5,3 and 1 year(s) ago and half of each area has a deer exclosure. The difference in regeneration within and without the deer exclosure is something you have to see to believe, and will be very informative to folks interested in healthy forests and wildlife habitat.

To register please email NYFOA member Jimmy Bulich at bulichjimmy@gmail.com

The event is limited to 40 participants to ensure a quality experience and facilitate group discussion.

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