Archive 2006

  • Volume 44, Number 1, January/February 2006

    • In the Mail: NYFOA Loses a Good Friend- Mike Demeree
    • HOW TO: Protect Forest Roads
    • Ask a Professional: Reforestation and good stewardship
    • News & Notes: DEC Seedlings; Reaching Woodland Owners On-line
    • Woodlot Calendar: Eastern Coyote Concerns, Forests & Fish Habitat, and American Chestnut Recovery Talks in Van Etten
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlot: Flying Squirrels
    • NYFOA General Director Candidates
    • 44th Annual Spring Meeting
    • Federal Report: Increased Timber Yields, Better Forest Health Possible Through Changes in Forestry Practices
    • Douglas C. Allen: Wood Defects Caused by Cambium Miners
    • Maple Sugaring: A Unique Tradition
    • Ice Accident Reminds Pond Owners of Winter Dangers
    • New Business Plays Matchmaker to Landowners, Sportsmen Hunting Lease Network™: “Bringing Landowners and Sportsmen Together”
    • Know Your Trees: Black Willow
  • Volume 44, Number 2, March/April 2006

    • NYFOA Annual Meeting Photos
    • HOW TO: Make Easements Easy… Almost
    • Ask A Professional: Is there a good way for me to accurately measure and describe my forest?
    • Kid’s Corner: Age That Tree!
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlot: Spotted Salamander
    • NYFOA Awards: Heiberg Memorial Award Presented to Cotton Hanlon; Outstanding Service Award Presented to John Druke
    • NYFOA Chapter Activity Award
    • Douglas C. Allen: How to Manage the Forest Tent Caterpillar – a decision-making process
    • INYFOA Partnerships – NYSAF
    • Member Profile: Peter & Tim Levatich
    • Know Your Trees: Quaking Aspen
  • Volume 44, Number 3, May/June 2006

    • In The Mail: Forest Tent Caterpillar
    • HOW TO: Minimize Soil Compaction
    • Ask a Professional: What should I do on the finance and tax side to improve my profit potential?
    • Kid’s Corner: Leaf Hunt
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlands: Ring-Necked Snake
    • News & Notes: Cornell Study Finds Camping, Hiking and Fishing as a Child Breeds Respect for Environment in Adults
    • Germinating and Growing White Oak Seedlings
    • Forest Owner Faces: The People That Make NYFOA
    • Pond Maintenance 101
    • Looking for a Few Good Volunteer Forest Owners
    • Why Did That Tree Die? – An Introduction to forest pathology
    • DEC Announces Indictments of Members From a Timber Theft Ring
    • Member Profile: Jim & Phyllis House
  • Volume 44, Number 4, July/August 2006

    • Planning Membership recruitment: As NYFOA’s membership grows, so does our voice!
    • HOW TO: Implement Forest Farming Practices
    • Ask A Professional: What does stand improvement mean? Is this a way to make my best trees better?
    • Pest Alert- Emerald Ash Borer
    • Kid’s Corner: What’s Bugging You?
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlands: Eastern Coyote
    • The New Conservation Easement Tax Credit
    • NYFOA Chapter Events: LHC- “Caring for Your Forest Land” workshop and woodswalk
    • Exotic Species Coming To a Forest Near You? If So, What To Do?
    • Trees and Drought
    • Know Your Trees: Eastern Cottonwood
    • Member Profile: Bob Coupal
  • Volume 44, Number 5, September/October 2006

    • Empire Farm Days in Seneca Falls
    • HOW TO: Prepare Sites for Planting
    • Ask a Professional: With all the rain that has fallen in my area this year, what steps should I take to protect water quality during a harvest I hope to have later this year?
    • Working as a Family
    • Kid’s Corner: Mapping Your World
    • NYFOA Chapter Events: Southern tier chapter tour of the Tompkins Bluestone facilities
    • FLEP Can Help Forest Owners Address Sirex Woodwasp Concerns
    • Pest Alert: Sirex Woodwasp
    • One Small Log Job, So Many Thoughts
    • Douglas C. Allen: Deer Flies and Horse Flies Harass Both Man And Beasts
    • Know Your Trees: Black Walnut
    • Member Profile: Bob & Dave Preston
  • Volume 44, Number 6, November/December 2006

    • NYFOA President Alan White Speaks at ESFPA Annual Meeting
    • The Policy Page: CFRO Legislative Priorities
    • Ask A Professional: This summer I have been spending more time in my woods clearing trails and checking boundaries and I have seen many dead trees. Is this something I should be concerned about?
    • NYS Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy
    • Kid’s Corner: Make Your Own Paper
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlands: Ruffed Grouse
    • Stories from the Woods: New series of articles on MFO experiences
    • The Asian Longhorned Beetle: This Invasive Pest Kills Hardwood Trees
    • Douglas C. Allen: The Willow Cone Gall Midge
    • Books-to-Note: The Woods in Your Backyard
    • Member Questions: New Easement Law
    • Know Your Trees: Butternut
    • Member Profile: Peter & Betty Gregory
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