Archive 1998

  • Volume 36, Number 1, January/February 1998

    • President’s Message (Jill Cornell: ) Objectives and activities to support these objectives; archived Forest Owners in digital form
    • Dorthy S. Darling: A Lesson to Learn
    • Life on Our Forestfarm
    • Internet Resources
    • Henry S. Kernan: The State of World Forestry
    • Dorthy Darling: Winter Water Wheel
    • Peter J. Smallidge: New York’s Forests – Then and Now
    • Meet Debbioe Gill
    • The NYFOA Scholarship Fund
    • Letters: To Increase Distribution; New York Woodland Stewards, inc. (NYWS); Consulting Foresters?
    • Celiz Congrove: Verses
    • Help NYFOA to Update Its Archives
    • David J. Colligan: Trained Logger Certification (TLC) Program
    • Widow Maker
    • Forest Service to Convert to Cubic Measure
    • Stalk the Tubes
    • How to Make an Ash Broom
    • How to Blaze Boundaries
    • Property Boundary Line Trees
    • Douglas C. Allen: Maple Leaf Cutter – the Story of a Moth and its Mobile Home
    • Jane Sorenson Lord: Rip Van Winkle Had Good Health
  • Volume 36, Number 2, March/April 1998

    • President’s Message (Jill Cornell): Learning about and representing NYFOA
    • Dorthy S. Darling: This Day of Rising
    • Douglas C. Allen, Peter J. Smallidge, and Lewis Staats: Preliminary Guidelines for Forest Owners Following the January Ice Storm
    • Johm Braubitz: Beaver, Love Them of Leave Them – Part One
    • 36th Annual Spring Meeting
    • Biographical Sketches – Nominations for Directors of NYFOA
    • Building a Pond – An Art as Much as a Science – Part I
    • Peter S. Levatich: Widow Makers – Advice/Experience
    • Letters
    • Stumpage Price Trends (1973 – 1996)
    • Peter J. Smallidge: This Thing Called Forest Management – Does it Really Differ from Gardening?
    • Henry S. Kernan: Wrestling with Pluotos
    • Limiting Landowner Liability Through Insurance
    • And When You Die… ?
    • Jane Sorensen Lord: Bye-Bye Bambi!
  • Volume 36, Number 3, May/June 1998

    • President’s Message (Jill Cornell): NYFOA’s place in the branches of the forest family
    • New Forest Owner Policy
    • Building a Pond – An Art as Much as a Science – Part II
    • John S. Braubitz: Beaver – Love Them or Leave Them – Part Two
    • New York’s Own “Barking Dog” – The Eastern Coyote
    • The Return of the Wolf – Should Wolves be Reintroduced to the Adirondacks?
    • Those Other Deer Tick Diseases
    • Letters
    • Forestry Fast Forward
    • Ask a Forester (Stephen Davison): Frost Cracks; Cubic Measure
    • Mike Greason: My Favorite Tree
    • Gary R. Goff: Wanted! – A Few Good Neighbors
    • Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication Tells How to Enhance Wildlife Habitat
    • Propagation and Use of Black Walnuts in Northern New York
    • Henry S. Kernan: To Cut or Not to Cut – Our National Forests?
    • Douglas C. Allen: Pine False Webworm – potential threat to NY’s white pine
    • Jane Sorensen Lord: Bee Well
  • Volume 36, Number 4, July/August 1998

    • President’s Message (Jill Cornell): Update on happenings in the forest community
    • Jill Cornell: Inernational Paper – 100 Years of Growth
    • Forests and Climate Change
    • Building the Perfect Brush Pile
    • Springtime in Our Westchester Wilderness
    • Henry S. Kernan: New Forest Tax Law?
    • Ask a Forester (Stephen Davison): Bad Beech; Burls
    • Letters
    • NYFOA Fall Membership Meeting
    • The 36th Annual Awards: Heiberg Memorial Award to Peter S. Levatich; NYFOA Outstanding Service Award to Charles P. Mowatt
    • NYS 1998 Tree Farm Award to Ron and Peggy Pedersen
    • Dick Fox: NYFOA’s Spring Meeting
    • Gary Goff: You Build It and They Will Come: A Wildlife Primer
    • Douglas C. Allen: Locust Borer May Be In Your Backyard
    • Jane Sorensen Lord: O, The Buzzin’ of the Bees…
  • Volume 36, Number 5, September/October 1998

    • President’s Message (Jill Cornell): Upcoming Fall Meeting; Family Forest Fair
    • Maintaining Your Pond (Part III)
    • Midsummer Musings of a Forest Owner
    • Grousehaven Revisited
    • Jill Cornell: Profile: NYS DEC Deputy Commissioner of Natural Resources – Peter Duncan
    • NYS Supports American Chestnut Research
    • Peter J. Smallidge: Getting Started with a Timber Sale
    • The Evolution of Our Pond
    • Peter S. Levatich: At Least the Horses Knew the Ropes
    • Keith A. Argow: Some Thoughts on Private Rights, Responsibilities and Public Concerns
    • Ask a Forester (Stephen Davison): What is geotextile fabric and how is it used?
    • John S. Braubitz: Purple Loosestrife
    • Douglas C. Allen: Mourningcloak Butterfly – the spring beauty
    • Jane Sorensen Lord: What’s Good for the Goose…
  • Volume 36, Number 6, November/December 1998

    • President’s Message (Jill Cornell): Tax survey; Family Forest Fair ’98; Urging the Governor and Legislators to support funding for Private Service Forester for each county.
    • Peter S. Levatich: Forest Trails
    • Peter J. Smallidge: A Little Extra “TLC” for New York Forests
    • Adventures in Clearcutting – The Natural Way
    • Eastern White Pine
    • Feeding Deer
    • Letters
    • Historic Forest Use in Central Europe
    • Ask a Forester (Steve Davison): Invasive Japanese Bamboo (Japanese Knotweed)
    • David J. Colligan: Tax Free Exchanges
    • Turn in Poachers and Polluters – The TIPP Program
    • My Wake Up Call about Tree Farmers
    • The Fall Meeting
    • NY Storms and State Forests
    • Douglas C. Allen: The Cryptic World of Leafminers
    • Jane Sorensen Lord: Plants and the Fall Meeting
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