Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 36, Number 2, March/April 1998

  • President's Message (Jill Cornell): Learning about and representing NYFOA
  • Dorthy S. Darling: This Day of Rising
  • Douglas C. Allen, Peter J. Smallidge, and Lewis Staats: Preliminary Guidelines for Forest Owners Following the January Ice Storm
  • Johm Braubitz: Beaver, Love Them of Leave Them - Part One
  • 36th Annual Spring Meeting
  • Biographical Sketches - Nominations for Directors of NYFOA
  • Building a Pond - An Art as Much as a Science - Part I
  • Peter S. Levatich: Widow Makers - Advice/Experience
  • Letters
  • Stumpage Price Trends (1973 - 1996)
  • Peter J. Smallidge: This Thing Called Forest Management - Does it Really Differ from Gardening?
  • Henry S. Kernan: Wrestling with Pluotos
  • Limiting Landowner Liability Through Insurance
  • And When You Die... ?
  • Jane Sorensen Lord: Bye-Bye Bambi!

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