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- President’s Message (Don Wagner)
- Peter Levatich: NY STR8 3S
- NY Forest Inventory
- David Colligan: What’ll You Do with the Farm When You’re Gone?
- Ron Pedersen: It’s Too Late Once Your Tree…
- Mike Greason: Master Forest Owners are Special People
- Frustrations of a Master Forest Owner
- Chapters/Affiliates
- Elizabeth Densmore: A Dollar and a Sweet Dream
- Douglas Allen: 1994 – The Year of the Defoliator
- Ecological Management – The Human Element is more than Population
- Ask a Forester (Dinnie Sloman): Know Your Forester
- The Earth at its Best
- Jane S. Lord: The Gotsch Land, Sullivan County: Settled 1895
- President’s Message (Don Wagner)
- Henry Kernan: Watda Owanogi
- Sugarin’ Research in the Adirondacks
- For Higher Stumpage, Sell the Stump
- Grass Carp – A New Option for Aquatic Plant Control
- Gary Goff: Wanted – MFOs to Help Neighbors
- Johm Marchant: Eco-System Management & Non-Industrial Private Land Owners
- Chapters/Affiliates
- Editorial: Forestry in Crisis
- Wisconsin Company Patents Tree
- The Tao of Woodstacking
- Douglas Allen: The Oak Twig Pruner
- David J. Colligan: Family Limited Partnerships
- Update: Timber Theft and Trespass
- Ask a Forester (Bruce Robinson): Tree Shelters?
- Jane Sorensen Lord: Rockin’ and Ridin’
- Nominations for Directors of the Association
- NYFOA 33rd Annual Spring Meeting
- President’s Message (Don Wagner)
- Forestry & Biodiversity in Westchester County Parks
- The Northern Forest Lands Council Propsed Actions that Would Benefit Private Forest Land Owners
- Henry Kernan: The NY Forest Inventory Preliminary Report
- Chapters/Affiliates
- Ask a Forester (Robert Howard): Why the Commission?
- An Epidemic of Highgrading
- Douglas Allen: Gall Making Insects – unisghtly, yet ingenious
- Peter S. Levatich: Light
- Peter S. Levatich: What Size Your Saw Logs?
- Jane Sorensen Lord: On Early Spring Herbs
- President’s Message (Bill Minerd)
- Paul D. Manion: The Forest Behind the Trees – Regulators, Terminators, and Resource Recovery Agents
- Henry Kernan: Taxes, Taxes, Taxes
- NYFOA’s Fall Meeting Schedule
- Ron Pedersen: Timber Thieves Beware
- Book Review:The Northern Forest
- Chapters/Affiliates
- Betty Densmore: 33rd Annual Spring Meeting
- Awards
- Betty Densmore: John Marchant
- Homer E. Stennett: Stream Corridors
- Don Steger: Firewood was the Answer
- Douglas C. Allen: Ambrosia Beetles
- Jane Sorensen Lord: Guys & Dolls
- President’s Message (Bill Minerd)
- Norman Richards: Useful Ecological Concepts for Our Regrown Forests
- Peter Levatich: Does Your Forest Land Have Roots?
- Henry Kernan: The Kindly Beech – A legend of the Chianti Hills
- Chapters/Affiliates
- Letters
- David Colligan: Timber Contracts
- Guest Editorial: Let it Rot
- The 1995 NYFOA Fall Meeting
- Douglas C. Allen: Return of the Larch Casebearer
- Jane Sorensen Lord: A Cure for Count Dracula
- President’s Message (Bill Minerd)
- John Gibbs: A Few Thoughts on the Big Blow of ’95
- Forest Rangers Warn of Increased Risks to Hunters
- Dick Fox: Hills and Hollers
- Rick Percoco: Who Says They Don’t Lend on Land?
- The Seventh Ametican Forest Congress – Many Voices, A Common Vision
- NYS DEC Reduces Services to Private Property Owners
- Chapters/Affiliates
- Letters
- Michael J. Birmingham: Healthy Forests: DEC’s Role
- NYFOA’s Fall Meeting
- Douglas C. Allen: The Soft Scales
- Gary Goff: NY’s Crop of Master Forest Owner/COVERTS Volunteers Top 130!
- Jane Sorensen Lord: Some Buggy Management