Archive 2005

  • Volume 43, Number 1, January/February 2005

    • In the Mail: Readers react to previous letter on compensating consulting foresters
    • Ask a Professional: What is the difference between crop tree management and basal area (or area wide) thinning?
    • Compensating Consulting Foresters
    • HOW TO: Manage a Woodlot for Firewood
    • NYFOA General Director Candidates
    • 43rd Annual Spring Meeting
    • Arranging a Timber Sale
    • Douglas C. Allen: Peach Bark Beetle – Results of Research and News of Work in Progress
    • DEC Proposes Changes in Cooperating Forester Program
    • Avoid Trespass During Hunting Season
    • Know Your Trees: White Spruce
  • Volume 43, Number 2, March/April 2005

    • In the Mail: Reply to debate on compensating a consulting forester
    • HOW TO: Protect Newly Planted Seedlings
    • Ask A Professional: How can I manage my woodlot to provide optimal habitat for Wood Thrush and Cerulean Warbler?
    • PINEHOLM: 50 years of a Multi-value Tree Farm
    • Debbie Gill Steps Down
    • Douglas C. Allen: Maple webworm is often prevalent during forest tent caterpillar outbreaks
    • No-Op to Co-Op
    • News & Notes: Forest Stewardship Short Course; Free Seedlings; Chapter Membership Growth Award
    • Know Your Trees: Balsam Fir
  • Volume 43, Number 3, May/June 2005

    • From the President: 2005 will be a year of significant changes for NYFOA
    • In The Mail: Great Article; NYFOA Spring Meeting
    • HOW TO: Implement Forest Farming Practices
    • Ask a Professional: How do I prepare a rural site for the planting of seedling trees?
    • Trends in New York Stumpage Prices
    • Special NYFOA member tour at the Big Flats Plant Materials Center
    • Planning the Future Forest
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlands: Chestnut-Sided Warbler
    • Acorn Planting
    • To Know a Tree
    • Commentary – New York’s Forest Tax Laws
    • Ecology: Ginseng Threatened by Bambi’s Appetite
    • The Chronology of a Forest Steward – 2004
    • Woodlot Calendar
    • Know Your Trees: Eastern Hemlock
  • Volume 43, Number 4, July/August 2005

    • From the President: Property Tax Growth; Next Executive Director
    • In the Mail: Great Article
    • HOW TO: Manage Vole Damage
    • Ask A Professional: I would like to manage a woodlot to restore production to an old sugarbush, a project I will use in retirement. I think some trees need to be culled and thinned. How should I proceed?
    • Invaders
    • Position Announcement: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, New York Forest Owners Association (NYFOA)
    • Pond Management- Control of Aquatic Weeds
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlands: Eastern Newt
    • Douglas C. Allen: The Large Carpenter Bee – A Different Kind of Wood Borer
    • Portable Skidder Bridges Made Easy
    • The Palm Family- 2005 Outstanding Tree Farmers
    • Know Your Trees: American Larch
  • Volume 43, Number 5, September/October 2005

    • From the President: Working with other forestryh organizations; update on Executive Director search team; effects of increasing heating costs
    • In the Mail: NYFOA Members Show Your Colors!
    • HOW TO: Improve Hardwood Forests— One Seedling at a Time
    • Ask a Professional: I’ve heard conflicting recommendations on whether I should girdle trees. What do I need to consider about girdling?
    • Northeastern Extraordinaire
    • Kid’s Corner: Eastern Screech Owl
    • Cornell Cooperative Extension Releases- New Agroforesty Marketing Guide
    • Cornell’s “Other” Ag Experiment Station Works To Improve The State’s and Region’s Forestry Resource
    • An Outburst of Lecanium Scale – a Sticky Business
    • Cornell Cooperative Extension Releases- New Agroforesty Marketing Guide
    • Fencing To Exclude Deer
    • News & Notes: Expanded Forest Owner Field Day
    • Keeping Your Chainsaw in Shape
    • Know Your Trees: Northern White Cedar
  • Volume 43, Number 6, November/December 2005

    • From the Executive Director: Incoming director’s plans
    • In the Mail: We need your input to the 2007 Farm Bill; Revising NYFOA’s By-Laws
    • HOW TO: Protect Trees from Winter Damage
    • Ask A Professional: What ecological effect does hay-scented fern have on the forest? Are there any non-chemical strategies that will control the fern?
    • New Executive Director for NYFOA
    • Wild Things in Your Woodlands: Black Bear
    • Why 480-A Works – And How Not to Fix It
    • Someday… When You Can’t Hear So Well
    • Douglas C. Allen: Sirex noctilio – An introduced wood-boring wasp
    • Forest Food: Mast
    • INDEX: The New York Forest Owner – 2005 Volume 43, Numbers 1-6
    • Know Your Trees: Red Cedar
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