Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Make Your Presence Known and Get to Know Your Neighbors

Make Your Presence Known and Get to Know Your Neighbors

  • Know the adjoining property owners so you can stay in touch, and so they will know how to contact you if necessary.
  • Walk your property lines together, if possible. Discuss boundary markers, your views toward hunters, and any plans either of you may have for cutting firewood and/or cutting timber. Let each other know when you may plan to have any outsiders working on your property.
  • Mow and trim the grass and brush along the roadways on your property, to demonstrate a presence. Neglected or "abandoned" properties may be more tempting to a timber thief.
  • Install a chain or gate across any roads leading to your woodlot from a remote area of the highway. Such deterrents help keep honest people honest, and dishonest people out.

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