Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

You, as Master Forest Owner (MFO) in your region, are the appropriate banner-carrier for the implementation of New York's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. You are in the forefront of spreading the word about the plan and the proposed accompanying State Wildlife Grants that may be able to help property owners and public and private organizations and agencies with projects for fish and wildlife species in greatest need of conservation.

You have been trained in the implementation of the plan, and know what species to look for in your region. For the complete species lists throughout the state, see Regions.

The mission of the MFO program is to provide New York's private forest owners with the information and encouragement necessary to manage their forest holdings wisely. You are one of more than 140 experienced and highly motivated volunteer MFOs who are available statewide, ready to assist neighbor forest owners with the information needed to manage their forests sustainably for wildlife and other objectives.

If you are not yet an MFO and are interested in becoming one, contact your nearest Master Forest Owner to learn more about this program and its services, a key component for the success of the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy in New York.

©2024 New York Forest Owners Association

All Rights Reserved.

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PO Box 644, Naples, NY 14512

PHONE: (607) 365-2214

EMAIL: info@nyfoa.org


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