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- President’s Message (Stu McCarty)
- Norman Richards: A Tree to Respect
- Albert W. Brown: Some Thoughts About Forest Management
- Bill Minerd: NYFOA Fall Meeting 1992: Arnot Forest
- Chapter Reports
- David W. Taber: Pine Shoot Beetle Management
- Richard Henry: Catskill Fisher Reintroduction
- Rabies Update
- Governor Forms Tree Council
- David J. Colligan: Legislation
- Wes Suhr: Hunting Bucks (last of Wes Suhr’s “Ask A Forester” column)
- Wes Suhr: Buck Kill at Running Brook (poem)
- Eric A. Johnson: Investing in Moose
- David W. Taber: Marketing Christmas Trees Year-Round
- Dick O’Donnell: The White House Tree
- President’s Message (Stuart McCarty)
- Help NYFOA Update its Archives
- James R. Peek: What Do You Do With Larch?
- Governor Cuomo Forms Forest Resource Development Council
- John Marchant, Excecutive Director: NYFOA to Offer Free Information Service
- Janet Knodel, Mary Bartley, Sana Gardescu, Lawrence Abahamson and Douglas Allen: TSolving the Mystery of “Maple Malady”” – Blame the Per Thrips!
- Chapter Reports
- Arbor Day Letter of President Theodore Roosevelt to the School Children of the United States
- J. E. Coufal: The Deer (poem)
- “Right to Practice Forestry” Law Passed in PA
- John Marchant, Executive Director: NYFOA, Our Forest Lands and the Next Thirty Years
- Henry S. Kernan: Lament for a Law
- Dave Taber: Bob Sand and Jim Coufal Elected “Fellows” by Foresters
- Jane Sorensen Lord: Tree Eaters, Potions and Lotions
- David W. Taber: Pine Shoot Beetle Situation Demands Business Strategy
- President’s Message (Stuart McCarty)
- John T. Hastings: Hemlocks & Hides & Warren County
- NWOA Appoints NYFOA’s Exec as Vice President for the Northeast Region
- Gary Goff: A Call for Master Forest Owner/COVERTS Volunteer Candidates
- Chapters/Affiliates
- Francis “Mike”Demeree and Michael C. Greason: New York State’s Forests: The Opportunity – The Problem and the Remedy
- Douglas C. Allen: Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
- Come! Join us for a woodswalk in the Alps!
- Bob Sand: One Man’s Thoughts
- J. P. Lassoie: Timber Theft: A Growing Problem
- 1993 National Envirothon to be Held in NYS
- Jane Sorensen Lord: Before You Whack Your Weeds…
- President’s Message (Don Wagner)
- Betty Densmore: 1993 NYFOA Spring Meeting
- Peter S. Levatich: Reading: The Right Thing To Do
- Henry S. Kernan: A Note from Ecuador
- Ernie Hammerle: Notes from NYFOA’s 480A Workshop
- David J. Colligan: Legislation and Taxes
- Chapter/Affiliates
- The 1993 Heiberg Memorial Award (Michael C. Greason)
- NYFOA’s Outstanding Service Award (Wes Suhr)
- Tree Farm & NYFOA
- Douglas C. Allen: The Pine-Feeding Sawflies
- President’s Message (Don Wagner)
- Herbert F. Darling, Jr.: Please Don’t Forget the American Chestnut
- Elizabeth Densmore: The Rest of the American Chestnut Story in NY
- Wes Suhr: A Sprinkling of Public Opinion
- Norman A. Richards: Forest Resources of Central New York
- Chapter/Affiliates
- Douglas C. Allen: Fall Webworm – a late bloomer
- David J. Colligan: Boundary Law – Part I
- N.Y.F.O.A. Past President Allen F. Horn Has Retired
- Robert M. Sands: Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting #194 of June 26, 1993
- NYFOA- Committee Assignments – 1993/1994
- Jane Sorensen Lord: Coltsfoot: A Soft Soothing Step
- Ron Cadieux: Global Marketing Gives Tree Farmers New Options
- President’s Message (Don Wagner)
- James Savage: Applying Forest Stewardship on the Ground
- Jane Sorensen Lord: Scents Make Sense
- Douglas Allen: Cherry Scallop Shell Moth
- Gary R. Goff: New Corps of Master Forest Owners Certified
- Chapters/Affiliates
- 1993 Fall Meeting
- R. J. Fox: Fasteners
- Alan Knight: A Review… Tha Bambi Bomb: What Walt Disney did to us
- Henry S. Kernan: The Majestic Oaks of Troncais
- Sue Keister: N.Y.S. Tree Farm News
- David J. Colligan: Boundary Law – Part II
- The American Chestnut Needs Us