Volume 30, Number 1, January/February 1992
- President’s Message (Stuart McCarty)
- ‘Lfee Signor: Trapping Furbearers and Animal Rights
- Betty Densmore: Bats
- Bill Minerd More on NYFOA’s Fall Meeting
- Audrey Childs: Shiitake Mushrooms as a Hobby
- 1991 National Outstanding Tree Farm Video Tape
- Successful Income Tax Video Teleconference Held
- David W. Taber: Warm Temperatures Cause Needle Loss on Cut Christmas Trees
- Dave Taber: New York’s Certified “Master Forest Owners”
- Dick Fox: The Master Forest Owner Workshop
- Chapter Reports
- Ask a Forester (David Forness): Federal Cost Sharing Programs
- Environmentally, “Wood os Good”
- Jane Sorenson Lord:More on Brooklyn’s Little Tree Farmers
- David Mio Huth: People and Trees – Partners in Time
- Wood Energy Potential Studied in NY
- David W. Taber: Open Spaces and Taxes
- Dave Taber: Open Space
- David W. Taber: Wetlands Serve Nature and Society
Volume 30, Number 2, March/April 1992
- President’s Message (Stuart McCarty)
- Richard Kesel: An Odd Ode or Mary’s Miracle Memoralized (poem honoring Mary McCarty’s matriculation)
- Ronda C. Engman: About Burning , Fire Scars, and Squirrels
- Prescribed Burning: An Oak Management Tool on The Green Mountain and Finger Lakes National Trail
- Ralph D. Nyland: About Burning, Fire Scars, and Learning
- Letters: Conservation Easements
- Wes Suhr: Wetlands Revisited
- Paul Steinfeld: Gilead Tree Farm– A Thirty-three Year Perspective
- John P. Laschenski: Save Taxes Using Federal Tax Law for Timber Owners
- Property Boundary Line Trees
- Chapter Reports
- NYFOA WFL Member Floyd King Receives Environmental Award
- Stephen S. Davison: The Sugar Maple – New York’s Tree
- Douglas C. Allen: Sugar Maple Borer
- Gordon R. Batcheller: Trapping and Furbearer Management in New York State
- Irwin King: Sweet Steam Signals Spring Sugarin’ Time
- David Taber: Marketing Christmas Trees Year-Round
- Carolyn Klas: Ants and Termites
- Ask a Forester (David Daut): Forest Inventory & Management
- Michael C. Greason: SIP Is Finally Here
- New York Forest Owners Association Spring Membership Meeting (insert)
- NY Forest Owners Association, Nominations for Directors of the Association (insert)
Volume 30, Number 3, May/June 1992
- President’s Message (Stuart McCarty)
- Bob Sand: A Challenge
- Douglas C. Allen: Biological Diversity – Is Variety the Spice of Life?
- New Forestry
- Ed Greenaker: Accessing Your Woodland with Hand-Built Hiking Trails
- Kathleen Farnum: Pond Building Workshop Sparks Interest
- Stephen W. Eaton: Red-Shouldered Hawk
- Dick Fox: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- Henry S. Kernan: Otsego’s Woodland Heritage
- Romeyn Berry: How to Avoid Best Sellers
- Andrew Childs: My Favorite Tree
- Betty Densmore and Charlie Mowatt: Your NYFOA Chapter and You
- Ask A Forester (Wes Suhr): Forest Inventory & Management
- Randy Kerr: Burning the Woods… Another Point of View
- Chapters Reports
- John C. Marchant: It’s Time to Stand Up and Be Counted – King George Did, Pine for Pine
Volume 30, Number 4, July/August 1992
- President’s Message (Stuart McCarty)
- John Marchant: NYFOA Building Valuable Interactions with ESFPA
- Douglas C. Allen: Introduced Insects often Pose Biological and Economic Risks
- Betty Densmore: Spring Meeting 1992
- NYFOA 1992 Heiberg Memorial Award to Bonnie and Donald Colton
- NYFOA 1992 Service Award to Richard Fox
- Dave Taber and Gerry Kachmor: Outstanding New York Tree Farmer Named: Richard Molyneaux
- Michael C. Greason: The New York Society of American Foresters Awards
- Chapters Reports
- Erwin Fullerton: A Vermont Woodswalk
- Robert Gotie: Consequencies…
- Dorothy Long: Solution to Beaver Brouhaha Sought
- Lfee Signor: A Roadside Pond (poem)
- Tim Williams: Rocky Ground
- David W. Taber: Test Your Knowledge of Woodlot Logging Practices
- Ask a Forester (Wes Suhr): “Eliminate”–The Bone of Contention”
- Letters Too Many Weeds?
- Gary R. Goff: New York’s Master Forest Owner/Coverts Program Update
- Program- “Forests are Essential to Our lives”
Volume 30, Number 5, September/October 1992
- President’s Message (Stuart McCarty)
- Southern Tier Chapter Award
- Letters Re: SIP hardwood tree planting progress
- David J. Colligan: New Legislation?
- Book Review: “You Were a Little Boy” by Howard O. Ward
- Henry S. Kernan: Endangered and Threatened Plants
- Bonnie Colton: Woodsman, Share That Tree!
- Floyd King: Invasion of Beaver Disrupts Peace and Quiet of Pond
- Chapter Reports
- Peter S. Levatich: A Right-To-Harvest Law in New York State?
- Martin Harris: Landmark Tax Ruling: Can’t Assess at Speculative Value
- Carl P. Wiedemann: Hidden Crisis in the Forest
- Douglas C. Allen: Common Tent Caterpillars
- Bruce Penrod: The Forgotten Land
- Ask a Wildlife Biologist (Dr. William F. Porter): Coyote impact on deer population
- Bruce Penrod: The Forgotten Land
- Insert: NYFOA Fall Meeting Agenda
Volume 30, Number 6, November/December 1992
- President’s Message (Stuart McCarty)
- Mary McCarty: Fun in the Forest
- Betty Densmore: The Wild Side of Herbs
- Robert Demeree: Red Pine Plantations in New York: The End of an Era
- Robert Hazelton: Sharing
- Chapter Reports
- Margaret Nagle: A Family Value
- Bonnie Colton: A Time to Plant
- Linda Luchsinger: 1992 Professional Timber Harvester Award
- Peter S. Levatich: A Succession that Needs to Succeed
- John H. Ward: The Sad Forest
- Ask a Forester (Michael R. Bridgen): The Black Locust
- Douglas C. Allen: White Pine Weevil
- Winter Tour a Cure for Cabin Fever – NYFOA Offers Southern and Alpine Tours