Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 53, Number 3, May/June 2015

  • From the President (Charles Stackhouse): Welcome new members; Kudos to outgoing officers; RNYW Symposium; personal background in forestry
  • New Member Snapshots: Don and Judy Schlafer; Eric and Stacy Fisher; Bill and Ellen Crain
  • Dean Faklis: Final Results of NYFOA Gift Membership Challenge 2014-2015
  • Ask a Professional (Peter Smallidge): Understanding the pesticide label
  • Homestead Woodlot (Jeff Joseph): Making the Best of Beech
  • Wild Things in Your Woodlands (Kristi Sullivan and Steve Morreale): Eastern Red-Backed Salamander
  • David Williams and Dean Faklis: Timber Contest Workshop A Huge Success!
  • NYFOA Awards- Heiberg Award to Hugh Canham, Outstanding Service Award to Jim Minor
  • Chapter Awards: CDC-Ron Bernhard; CNY-Randi Starmer; NAC-Richard Gast; NFC-Rita Hammond; SFL-Ed Neuhauser; SOT-Dave Williams; WFL-Ron Reitz
  • Woodland Health (Jim Engel): Prepare Your Forest for Life After EAB
  • Member Profile (Emily Wafler): Bruce Bennett
  • 2014 Donors

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