Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 52, Number 1, January/February 2014

  • From the President (Jim Minor): Upcoming Farm Show. Member meeting at ESF in March. Dues increase.
  • Dean Faklis and Peter Smallidge: The Northeast Timber Contest Heats Up!
  • Ask a Professional (Peter Smallidge): Prioritizing actions and work projects in your forest management plan.
  • NYS Tree Farm News (Erin O'Neill): Recognizing Chris Prentis, NY Outstanding Tree Farm Inspector
  • Kid's Corner (Derek J. Conant): Not All Firewood is Created Equal
  • Wild Things in Your Woodlands (Kristi Sullivan): Barred Owl
  • NYFOA General Director Candidates
  • 52nd Annual Spring Program
  • Woodland Health (Mark Whitmore): An Update on the Emerald Ash Borer in New York State
  • Paul Hetzler: No Need to Flee From These Fleas
  • Member Profile (Maureen Mullen): John Hammer

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