Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 40, Number 4, July/August 2002

  • From the Vice-President: NYFOA in the 21st Century
  • In the Mail: May/June Issue; Story of a Spring Planting
  • 2002 Farm Bill Provides Assistance to Forest Landowners
  • A Tale of Two Visits: One a Victory, One a Draw
  • Ask the Forester: What is the accuracy of a typical Global Positioning System (GPS) hand held receiver if no post-processing is used and there is no selective availability imposed by the government?
  • Woodlot Calendar
  • Advice from the Lucky
  • Stone Walls: A Great Place to Cross Over
  • Douglas C. Allen: The Checkered Beetles: Well Equipped to Search & Destroy
  • Help for Forest Regeneration
  • NYSAF Summer 2002 Meeting
  • Oh to be a Logger
  • A World View of Forests

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