Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 39, Number 5, September/October 2001

  • From the President (Ron Pedersen): : MFO refresher programs; AFC's input to the Jamestown Post-Journal "Who Speaks for the Forest" supplement; Salute to DEC's service foresters
  • In the Mail: Response to "Professional Foresters" letter
  • Ronald C. Brach and Sheila D. O'Sullivan: Timber Theft Public Hearings Reveal Weaknesses in Current Laws and Theft Prevention Measures
  • Jill Cornell: What is the National Network of Private Forest Landowners?
  • Book Review (Richard Taber): The Eastern Deciduous Forest, Ecology and Wildlife Conservation, Second Edition
  • David L. Stureges; Controlling Interfering Vegetation- A User-friendly Method for Woodlot Owners
  • Rene Germain, Kevin Brazill, and Seth LaPierre: Old Phenomenon, New Term: Forestland Parcelization
  • Douglas C. Allen: A Word on Behalf of American Beech
  • News & Notes: WGinseng Proceedings; Christmas Tree Grower Website; A New Approach to Timber Theft...; And still Another Approach...
  • Michael Greason: Thinning Young Forests

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