Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 28, Number 6, November/December 1990

  • President's Message (Allen Horn)
  • Dr. Charles Leahy: Clearing the Land
  • Mike Kapusta: Proposed Timber Ordinance Studied
  • Regulating Logging Activities: Is Government's Approach the Answer?
  • Thrift Founder (Elwin Rowell) Dies
  • Verner Hudson: NY State Forest Practice Board Walk
  • Ask a Forester (Wes Suhr)n: After Earth Day... What?
  • Dick Fox: My Woods Have Gone Fern Enough
  • John C . Marchant: Exploring What Stewardship Is
  • Chapter Development Full Speed Ahead
  • David W. Taber: Forests' 'Highest and Best Use' May Be 'Preserved' Forestlands

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