Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 20, Number 6, November/December 1982

  • The Directory Issue
  • The President's Message (Paul Steinfeld)
  • The Heiberg Award and Solicitation for Nominess
  • Solicitation for Nominations for NYFOA's Outstandig Service Award>
  • Bylaws of New York Forest Owners Association, Inc
  • Committees of NYFOA Their Charges and current members
  • NYFOA Officers and Presidents
  • Members Directory (~612 members) N.B. for this archive version the names have not been reproduced
  • Forest Bookshelf
  • Workers' Compensation Checklist
  • Assistance for NY Forest Owners
  • DEC Regional Officews
  • New York State Forest Tax Law
  • Cooprative Extension Offices
  • New York State Big Tree Register
  • Big Trees of New York State
  • Doug Monteith: TSI
  • Major Provisions of Section 480-a of the Real Property Tax Law
  • Harry W. Burry: New York's Growing Forest Resources
  • Information Concerning The Forest Tax Law
  • From the Editor's Desk (Evelyn Stock): The Pack Forest Revisited
  • Curtis Bauer: Oil and Gas Leasing and Development
  • Summary Table of Town Timber Harvesting Ordinances
  • Alan Knight: Report (Canadian Trip)- B.C. Reckoning
  • New PR/Communications Book Available for Resource Managers
  • Woodlands- Wild Apple Trees Attract Wildlife
  • Woodland Owners' Forest Management Checklist of Resources
  • Good Advice for Woodlot Owners
  • Thomas W. Patton: Franklin Roosevelt and ESF- Traing a Forester President
  • Money Does Grow on Trees (and vice versa)
  • Wood Fuel Tound to Surpass Atomic Energy in U.S.
  • Max R Peterson: The Outlook for Forestry
  • Ruth Sterling Henry (in Memory of her husband, Edward H. Henry): A Forester (poem)
  • Ask a Forester (Al Roberts): Table to determine board feet in a tree

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