Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 19, Number 5, September/October 1981

  • Notes from the NYFOA President (Bob Edmonds)
  • NYFOA 1981 Fall Meeting: Managing Your Woodlands: Satisfaction Guaranteed!
  • Paul Smith College
  • Upcoming Events
  • Minutes of the 124th Board Meeting
  • NYFOA Can Have 1200 Members
  • More on Chemical Chimnay Cleaners
  • Fuel Prices May Provide Incentive to Woodlot Owners
  • History of Gussie Gaskill's Woods
  • BMP's for Logging
  • Dry Stream Beds and Logging
  • Ask a Forester (Al Roberts): Woods Walk at Gussie Gaskill's

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