Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 19, Number 3, May/June 1981

  • Heiberg Award Winner 1981 - Curtis H. Bauer
  • Citation- NYFOA Outstanding Service Award 1981: J. Lewis DuMond
  • Urban Forestry- Background Information for Street Tree Planning
  • Katherine Seelye: Gypsy Moth Problem to Grow
  • Rpbert D. Hershey, Jr.: Wood Fuel Found to Surpass Atomic Energy in U.S.
  • USDA Says Crop of Ag Grads Not Big Enough
  • J. Claude Lecours: From Another Side of the Tree (Selling Your Timber)
  • Money Does Grow on Trees (and vice versa)
  • New Slitter to Reduce Sawmill Waste
  • David W. Taber: Sales Taxes Reduced Again
  • Stumpage Price Report Published
  • Timber Harvesting Guidelines for New York
  • Public Education Program: Woodlot Management for Fuelwood
  • Arthur T. Viertel: Recipe for Tree Planting
  • Songs of the Forester
  • Ask a Forester (Al Roberts): Marketing Timber

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