Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

Volume 12, Number 5, October 1974

  • President's Column
  • Minutes of the 76th Meeting
  • Minutes of the 74th Meeting
  • Committee Chairmen
  • Member Losses due to Demise
  • A Re-established Market - Dave Cook
  • Letter from John Smigel
  • Letter from Donald Majka
  • Letter from Ronald W. Pedersen
  • Letter from Fred E. Winch, Jr.
  • Property Tax Law in Relation to Taxation of Forest Lands
  • Governor Signs Forest Tax Law
  • Forestry Motivation, Lan Laws & Taxes - Henry S. Kernan
  • Pile O' Chips - Ed Moot
  • Natural Timber Resources - Henry S. Kernan
  • Letter from Alan R. Knight

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