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January 8, 2018, from NYFOA President Charles Stackhouse...
At our June 2017 board meeting the NYFOA Board agreed to retain a professional staff person to assist us with chapter support and membership growth. The Executive Committee was authorized to function as a "Search Committee" and, if a qualified candidate could be identified, retain them on a part-time, contractual basis. The position announcement was widely distributed and eight applications for the position were received. The Search Committee conducted telephone interviews with four applicants and personal interview with two of them.
I am delighted to report that we have retained a candidate with outstanding qualifications to serve NYFOA as Director of Organization Development. His name is Michael Zagata and he will begin his new assignment with us on January 15th.
impressive resume includes a PhD in Wildlife Ecology, years of
experience in environmental health and safety with the energy industry,
service as the DEC Commissioner for NY State under Governor George Pataki, and as President and CEO of the Ruffed Grouse Society.
Mike has begun scheduling personal meetings with Chapter Steering Committees. A conference call with Board members and Chapter Chairs is scheduled where Mike will have an opportunity to make some introductory remarks about his approach to the new position and respond to questions. The Executive Committee is very optimistic that Mike's background, vision and energy will help expand NYFOA's reach to our state's private forest owners.
NYFOA's Director of Organizational Development, Michael Zagata
PO Box 644, Naples, NY 14512
PHONE: (607) 365-2214
EMAIL: info@nyfoa.org