Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

News Alert: Upcoming Webinar on May 21st on "Regenerate NY Cost-Share Grants Available for Forest Landowners"

Please Note: The complete (and correct) link in the image below is https://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/119950.html. Sorry for the confusion.


Regenerate NY Cost-Share Grants Available for Forest Landowners

Do you own between 10 and 1,000 acres of forest land and have interest in improving your woods? DEC’s Regenerate NY program provides cost-share grants to New York landowners looking to enhance forest regeneration on their property. Landowners who want to plant trees, control competing vegetation, restore a degraded forest stand, or exclude deer are encouraged to apply for project funding. To find out more about getting funding for your forest, please visit https://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/119950.html.

Applicants will need to apply through Grants Gateway.DEC will be hosting a Grants Gateway training webinar on Friday, May 21st at 10am to assist applicants in navigating the grant process. Private landowners are encouraged to team up with a cooperating forester who may provide application support. Check out the Regenerate NY webpage on the DEC website for more information.

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