Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

SAC Is In Urgent Need of Volunteers

Urgent Request for Help!

Our Southeastern Adirondack Chapter of NYFOA needs your help! Our Board and Steering Committee is in need of members to organize and run our chapter and events. Last month we unfortunately had to cancel our Annual Meeting due to weather. This is the urgent message we were hoping to get out at that meeting.

Our Steering Committee has been working very hard but new members are needed to take over many of the tasks that the committee has been doing for many years.

The Steering Committee Needs the following:

  • New Ideas !!!Attract Younger Members, Families, Educators, Get People Back to The Forest, Benefits of Being in the Woods, Protecting the Environment!
  • Publicity Committee !!! Need Lead Committee Person
  • Steering Committee Members !!!
  • Chapter Board !!! Need Chair and Vice-Chair Person

  • Saratoga County Fair (Tue, Jul 23, 2019 – Mon, Jul 29, 2019)

Need Chairperson !!!

Need Volunteers for Setup, Breakdown, and Manning Booth During the Fair

  • Washington County Fair (August 19 to 25, 2019)

Need Volunteers for Setup, Breakdown, and Manning Booth During the Fair

  • Update Fair Displays

Need Lead Committee Person and Volunteers

“Message: Attract New Members and Provide Information to Fair Goers!!!!…

This Must Be Addressed Before The Fair Season!

We have operated for the last 3 years without a Chapter Chairperson and Vice-ChairpersonWe need members to fill these positions.

The Steering Committee has been sharing the load of operating the chapter without a lead person. We call on each and every member to consider taking an active role in the operation of our chapter. Your time and effort will be greatly appreciated. It will benefit our membership and other forest owners like yourself.

For more information Please contact:

Secretary: Bill Burke (518)793-1825 liamsb46@gmail.com

(518)251-4638 bobmanning@frontiernet.net

Steering Committee:


Donna & Ed Welch (518)225-0629 trautwei@gmail.com,

Kristie & Kurt Edwards (518)661-5685 edwardsk922@gmail.com,

Kristopher Williams (518) 746-1288 kbw44@cornell.edu

©2024 New York Forest Owners Association

All Rights Reserved.

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PO Box 644, Naples, NY 14512

PHONE: (607) 365-2214

EMAIL: info@nyfoa.org


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