Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

NYFOA's Lower Hudson Chapter now has a Chapter Leader!

Hello all,

My name is Christopher Prentis and I have taken over as the chapter chairperson for the Lower Hudson Chapter. I wanted to introduce myself and let you know what the plans are for the chapter. I am a consulting forester that serves the lower Hudson Valley region. I live in Nyack (Rockland County) with my wife, son and four rabbits. My profession interests include:

  • Wildlife Management,
  • Young Forest Management,
  • Timber Stand Improvement, and
  • Habitat Improvement.

I am looking forward to serving this chapter and need some input from all of you. I know that not much has happened with the chapter in the last decade, but I would like to change that. With that being said, you as members, what would you like to see happen? What types of activities would you be interested in attending? I look forward to hearing from all of you and would like to discuss how to bring this chapter back to life.

Interested parties who'd like to help bring this chapter even further along by becoming membrs of our nascent steering committee are encouraged to contact me at chris@lowerhudsonforestry.com .

In the meantime, I've arranged for this event later this month.


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