Tupper Lake conference 5/11 has been cancelled

AFC Announces Michael Jabot, Ph.D,. as Winner of the 2017 AFC Chapter Service Award

AFC- Michael Jabot, Ph.D., Professor, Science Education
State University of New York at Fredonia
Director, Institute for Research in Science Teaching

The Allegany Foothills Chapter is pleased to recognize Michael Jabot for our Chapter’s “NYFOA Service Award”. He has done an extraordinary job with our newsletter, most recently including the integration of the new NYFOA logo.He also was the lead person for our membership survey, which received an excellent response. He then took the next step of analyzing the data which was provided by our members and presented it to the Steering Committee. This provided a demographics map of where our members reside by County in NYS which provides an excellent base of information for planning future Events/Wood walks programs. He is a past presenter at the annual Rural Land Owners Workshop and will be a special event speaker for us in mid-April on Climate change and its impact on our woodlands.We thank Mike for these significant contributions.

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