CDC Woodswalk

The Capital District Chapter of the New York Forest Owners Association inviteS you to a walk at the Rheinstrom Hill Audubon Sanctuary and Center, a 1039-acre forest in southeastern Columbia County, that provides habitat for many at-risk climate-threatened bird species, such as Wood Thrush, Veery, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Blue-headed Vireo, and warblers such as Ovenbird, […]

WFL Annual Dinner

SAVE THE DATE! We have tentatively set the date for the 2024 WFL Annual dinner Please save the date Tuesday, OCTOBER 1st

CDC Woodswalk

Join us on our WOODS WALK SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, NOON TO 3:00 pm at 13 Coonradt Road, Cropseyville, NY 12052 The 60 acre property of Ellen Graf and Zhong-hua Lu is located on the Rensselaer Plateau about ¼ mile North of the conserved Valentino Community Forest on Stuffle Street. Joined by a forester and Ellen […]

Annual Potluck Dinner (Lunch)

Broome County Cooperative Extension 840 Front Street, Binghamton, NY, United States

Potluck Dinner - Ed Nizalowski will speak - 1:30 PM - 840 Front St., Binghamton, NY. Bring dish to pass and your table service - Reservations call Steve 607-902-4090

SAC Annual Meeting

Warren County Cooperative Extension 377 Schroon River Road, Warrensburg, NY, United States

          10:00 am  - Business meeting begins           11:30  am - Pot luck lunch (please bring a dish to share)           1:00 pm -  Presentation by Ryan Robinson, Why Knot Services LLC Ryan has experienced and dealt with many different types of plant […]

Controlling Unwanted Vegetation, With and Without Chemicals

Broome County Cooperative Extension 840 Front Street, Binghamton, NY, United States

A panel discussion featuring Consulting Forester and Certified Pesticide Applicator Mike Blasko, plus four Southern Tier Chapter members who have had considerable experience with controlling invasive and interfering vegetation on their own properties.